Sunday, May 6, 2012

Yorkshire Pudding with Ice Cream and Caramel Fudge Sauce

Yorkshire Pudding with Vanilla Ice Cream and Caramel Fudge Sauce


For the last couple of weeks I have been having a strong craving for Yorkshire Pudding but not in the 
traditional way of serving it with roast beef and gravy and some greens. I wanted something sweet, hot and cold (though this is an impossibility), and with the crunch and softness of Yorkshire pudding.

This morning at around 7 am I just had to get up and make it. So the recipe I know is to make tthe pudding in reverse - by  whisking the eggs, salt, pepper and milk together and leave them for about 15 minutes. But before you do your whisking first switch your oven on to as high as it can go, ours is at 230 degrees Celsius. then you do your whisking. Whilst leaving your mixture, rub either beef droppings ("omagadhi gee ngobe" to the Owambo people) or vegetable fat in a baking pan and put on a rack in the oven.

For the measurement I used 6 eggs, 2 cups of milk, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 3 pinches of pepper (black or white).

After 15 minutes, add the flour (2 1/4 cups) to the mixture and whisk, then pour into the heated pan in the oven and bake (don't open the oven door even if it smokes) for 20 minutes and it is golden and risen.

Freshly baked Yorkshire Pudding

I serve immediately while it is hot with e few scoops of vanilla ice cream (I like country fresh by nestle) and a drizzle of caramel fudge sauce (I like the one by So!Go).

Caramel Fudge Sauce

Vanilla Ice Cream

Sweet dessert (breakfast in my case)

Try it and let me know what you think :)


mehlo said...

LOVELAYY, reminds me of a pancake

Asino said...

Looks.....and tasted good :-)

Tala said...

It is a shame we are out of caramel. We could have had this again today